The Time To Act is Now
This is one site where you can’t be banned for being Conservative.
Your participation in Social Media means more to us and unifies us under one thunderous voice. Literally millions of people will hear your voice. Remember, a Like is nice but a retweet is an almost deafening cannon. The witch hunt has attacked not only President Trump, but all of the #flynnfighters and other brave voices. The Left is attempting to silence by falsely imprisoning American Patriots who are fighting for you.
If you really want to have the strongest impact, share the petition pages and visit our banner farm and skin your social media profile with it. Let’s change the monitored universe by painting the world red.
Elon has been nominated for the Nobel Prize before. But we believe people do not fully understand this dynamic genius enough to place his
life’s work in proper context. The nomination for Electric cars? No. For Free Speech? Not really.
Michael Guy (@realmichaelguy) States “It is for Musk’s innovation in rocketry that we can now recall a missle strike, and that could leterally save the world one day that Musk MUST be award the Nobel prize with honor. Its a no brainer.”
If you are a fan of Elon, please sign the petition. We are not paid or endorsed in any way.

Today’s Petition News
All 4 prosecutors have resigned from the Roger Stone case. Your voices are being heard around the world. Please Retweet the petition pages or post to Facebook and feel free to visit our “Skin2Win2020” digital campaign sign depot where you can change your twitter header banner image for free. #KAG2020
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